desiring to grow into the most creative, sociable, compassionate and autonomous individuals we can be.
desiring to grow into the most creative, sociable, compassionate and autonomous individuals we can be.
and, in so doing, remember that each individual we meet deserves the same love and respect as we do ourselves.
because all lives are intertwined, none of us exists in isolation. A co-operative society, in which we find solidarity, fellowship and community, lights the way for us all.
Our local gathering can be a microcosm of the co-operative society we seek to build. Here, we support one another in our journeys, sharing our joys and sorrows as we work together towards a better world.
seeking to understand their essence and ideals, and finding ways to apply these to the modern world in which we live.
celebrating being part of nature, cherishing the beauty we witness, and seeking to repair damage and tread as lightly as we can.
and that all human activities — politics, economy, education, art, labour and even domestic affairs — can also be expressions of free religion.