Greetings to you all.
If you wish to join us for the Morning Service of Mindful Meditation on Zoom, then please click on the following link and join from 10.15am. The service starts at 10.30am and will finish on, or shortly after 11.30am.
Meeting ID: 865 8494 7084
Password: 729425
The minister’s blog and podcast (which contains the weekly thought for the day) can be found at the following links.
Church AGM – Sunday 21 April (following the service)
The church’s AGM will follow the morning service and coffee. Agendas have been sent to church members along with the draft minutes from last year’s AGM and the Annual Report and Accounts from Staffords, the Independent Examiners of our accounts.
“Kiitsu Kyōkai” Seiza Meditation and Conversation Meetings on Zoom
Our midweek gatherings for meditation and conversation take place on Thursdays. Please note, this event starts at 7:30 pm on the first and third Thursdays of the month, and at 10:30 am on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. (NB. No meetings on any fifth Thursday).
The Zoom link for all these meetings is :
Meeting ID: 857 7586 8333
Passcode: 970614
This project springs from the Cambridge Unitarian community’s exploration of the possibilities for creating a creative, free spirituality (jiyū shūkyō) suitable for our modern age that draws on the practices and insights of the Japanese “Yuniterian” tradition, especially as they were presented and developed by Imaoka Shin’ichirō sensei (1881-1988).
Please contact the minister Andrew Brown directly, or click on either of the two following links, to find more detailed information:
A video by George Williams about free-religion and the 36th Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom
As the current President of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), George Williams (with whom I’m working to translate the essays of Imaoka Shin’ichirō-sensei) was asked to make a short video talk about its current work promoting free-religion (jiyū shūkyō) to be shown at the British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches meetings in April 2024.
This 14-minute long video has just gone live on YouTube and you can watch it at the link below. There are two Cambridge Unitarian Church related bits of content. At 1’26” a photo appears which shows, in the centre, H. Stewart Carter, who was the minister in Cambridge between 1946-1966 and also a member of the Secretariat of the IARF during the 1950s. The second appears at 11’11” where my own work with the Cambridge community gets a very positive mention.
I hope this will help you to see how my own current exploration of free-religion (jiyū shūkyō) — or, as we have also been calling it in Cambridge, a creative, free-spirituality” — fits into a still small, but much wider, developing movement of modern, liberal religious thought and practice across the globe.