Cool It
To read this address please click on the following link: Cool It
A passionately cool political/theological meditation on Robert Frost’s poem “Fire and Ice”
To read this address please click on the following link: A passionately cool political/theological meditation on Robert Frost’s poem “Fire and Ice”
Time will tell—‘It is impossible to think in advance of experience, and no experience is merely empirical’
After a long and challenging week (as I know it will have been for all of you) and having spent an entire day (Saturday) from dawn until dusk writing the following piece I find that, as 9pm approaches, I can no longer tell whether it contains anything more than mere, arrant nonsense. It’s certainly a flawed and […]
A few thoughts about the role an ontology of motion and a performative new-materialism plays in my work as minister at the Cambridge Unitarian Church
The park opposite the Cambridge Unitarian Church this morning In recent days I’ve had the opportunity to talk at length with a member of the Unitarian congregation here in Cambridge who is a philosopher with a Junior Research Fellowship at one of the nearby colleges. The conversation we had was both about conversation itself and […]
What porcupines can tell us about loving our neighbour who is also our enemy
An Old World Procupine (Photo: Andrew Butko) INTRODUCTION After last week’s address I had a very interesting and helpful conversation with C about what might any actual attempt to follow Jesus in showing love our neighbours look like, particularly those whom we feel to be our enemies? The conversation was had because, when all is […]